As you may have noticed, we have distributed a new software package to your server called Softaculous. Softaculous is an automated script installation program similar to Fantastico, which you may already be using. The Softaculous software is immediately available to all of your accounts on this server in the cPanel interface.

If you have previously used Fantastico, your existing script installations have already been imported into Softaculous. From now on you will need to use Softaculous to install or manage existing script installations and cease using Fantastico. You will find that Softaculous is organized in a similar way to Fantastico and installations and upgrades are straightforward.

We decided to switch to Softaculous because it offers greater script choices and quicker update times on existing software, especially when there is a security issue. This will help better protect your account(s) from intrusion by making it easier to stay up to date on software you have installed (e.g. WordPress, Drupal, etc.)

On May 23, 2012 we will be completely removing Fantastico from your server and it will no longer be available after that point. Remember, no harm will come to your existing script installations because we have already imported everything into Softaculous.

If you have any questions or concerns about the switch or trouble using Softaculous, please let us know by opening a ticket

lørdag, september 27, 2014

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