Today the server that esobtel is on had to be restarted due to the web service not working.  On restart, it again had major name server issues.  I have been working with support all day to get this issue resolved.  Here is the final fix that has been implemented.

Today the name service for my reseller account esobtel was moved to a DNS cluster of 3 servers in 3 different countries, for redundancy.  This also fixed the broken dns we kept encountering since the server was moved to a new data center in mid January.

As of right now all changes have been made and I can get to all sites.  It may take a while for the proper dns to propogate around the internet, but we are confident this problem has now been fixed.

Please let me know if you have any questions about this issue or if you'd like to move to cPanel for a control panel instead of DirectAdmin.  We offer cPanel for our shared accounts and have never had issue like this on any of our servers.

Thanks for your patience during this outage.


Thursday, September 27, 2012

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