PHP 7 Hosting
We now offer the latest stable version of PHP 7 to all our hosting accounts. You can now choose your version PHP 5.5, 5.6 or 7.0 using the MultiPHP Manager from your cPanel. As always it is good practice, before making any changes, to make sure your current site software will work the a new version of php.
What’s New In PHP 7?
First, What happened to PHP 6? It’s a long story, the unicode problems that were supposed to be solved in version 6 ultimately failed, with too many added complications, and this kind of ruined things for everyone. It was decided that version 6’s rep was too damaged to keep it alive, and a move to PHP 7 was made.
The PHP development team decided to move past PHP 6 because it had entirely different goals compared to PHP 7. Boosting performance is the key goal of PHP 7. The PHP development team has been quite successful too! That’s because speed tests show PHP 7 performs 100% faster compared to PHP 5.6.
Get your web hosting with php 7 now!